Fruits of our Labors Part 2

There are a phenomenal group of ladies who paint with me every Monday evening in the Painting Art Theory class. I am so enjoying teaching them. They constantly allow me to take them out of their comfort zone and have never disappointed me. Here are some pictures from last week’s class. First is Lindsey Sutton with her leopard painting, this was her sixth watercolor class! Great job Miss Lindsey! Next is Lindsey’s mother, Tracy Sutton with her beautiful grapes and grape leaves painting. Nancy Brown is proudly showing her awesome lily painting.

Not only are these women growing in their skills as artists but also in confidence as women. I feel such a debt of gratitude to art; becoming an artist has allowed me to truly find myself. It has allowed me to boldly be the unique woman I am. Before art entered my life I wore black, brown and navy blue clothing and very little jewelry and only one pair of tiny post earrings. Today I wear bold colors, red is my absolute favorite with purple and turquoise as my second and third. I also believe there is no such thing as too much jewelry and bling. Now you may be asking yourself why this is important. Because being true to ourselves allows us to be the most confident and happy! I am most at ease with myself when wearing RED and lots of BLING! I feel so proud of my students and love working with each one of them.

Tonight I will be taking us all out of our comfort zone as we go on our first plein air painting adventure tonight. We will be going to Merle and Beulah Cordell’s gardens for the evening. I will be updating you tomorrow on our evening.
