
Mural painting, wow what a huge canvas!

A fellow artist, Kristin Taylor, was asked to paint a mural in two classrooms at Shalom Christian Academy. Kristin is a skilled potter and does some glass work too. She says she isn't a painter but she is doing a pretty awesome job.
Kristin felt the job was too daunting to take on herself so she called to see if I would help her. My two oldest grandsons have been students at Shalom pre-school and pre-kindergarten. I wanted to give something back to Shalom.

What are the “must haves” in Watercolor supplies?

I’ve been painting in watercolors nearly 20 years now and I continue to experiment with various products. Yet, I do have some absolute staples that are always in my art supplies. My students, at Joyful Arts Studio, often ask me, ‘What are the “must haves” in watercolor supplies?” My first and foremost must have is Arches Cold Press 140 pound watercolor paper. Arches have been making paper since 1492 and they’ve got it down. I’ve had many students come to me with other papers but ultimately after one time painting on Arches switch and never return to other papers.


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